Identifying XSS Vulnerabilities and Command Injection in Apache HTTP Server with Port Scanning and Steganography Analysis

Network security

1. Host Discovery

This attack targets a specific IP address and does not involve host discovery. The keyword to include here is XSS vulnerabilities.

2. Port Scanning (Services, Components)

Using the command sudo -u root nmap -n -Pn -p- --reason -sV -sC -O, the open ports, services, components, and component versions of the host were identified.

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Open Ports



Component Versions



Apache httpd



Ubuntu Linux


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3. Vulnerability Discovery (Privilege Escalation)

Port 80/HTTP Service

Component Vulnerabilities

01. Middleware Component: Using the commands searchsploit Apache httpd 2.4.29 and searchsploit Apache httpd 2.4., no 0-day vulnerabilities were found for Apache httpd 2.4.29.

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02. Application Components: Using browser plugins like Wappalyzer and FindSomething to automatically identify application components, and using tools like BurpSuite for manual identification, none were found.

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URL Vulnerabilities (Directories, Files)

01. Manual Browsing: Accessing directly revealed a query form, which often contains SQL injection (SQLi) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.

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First, SQLi vulnerabilities were tested using single and double quotes for closure. Due to the lack of output, a time-based blind SQL injection payload and sleep(5)# was used; no errors or delays were observed in the response, indicating a likely absence of SQLi vulnerabilities.

Next, XSS vulnerabilities were tested using the special string OneMoreThink; the string was not found in the response, suggesting the absence of XSS vulnerabilities.

Based on the response content Fake ping executed, the query form may also contain command injection vulnerabilities. Using the payload ||id, no command execution results were found in the response, suggesting the absence of command injection vulnerabilities.

02. Directory Brute-forcing: Using the command dirb to brute-force directories and files revealed the /admin directory.

Accessing revealed only four images.

The four images were downloaded locally, and the command steghide –info image was used to check for steganography. Steganography was found in ctf-01.jpg, haclabs.jpeg, and new.jpg, but all required passwords to extract the hidden content. Short.png showed no steganography.

The command stegseek image was used to brute-force the steganography passwords. The password for haclabs.jpeg was harder, and for new.jpg.out it was lol.

The command cat haclabs.jpeg.out revealed base64-encoded content. Using cat haclabs.jpeg.out | base64 -d, the filename superadmin.php was obtained. cat new.jpg.out revealed several usernames.

Accessing revealed another query form, this time prompting for an IP address to ping.

This situation usually indicates a command injection vulnerability. Using the payload ||id, command execution results were found in the response, confirming a command injection vulnerability.

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