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The video link: https://asciinema.org/a/11128The packet simulation tool can be found in the packet command loop. After entering a command, you will enter the main command loop:Use the new command to create a new SIP packet. If you don’t name the packet, isip will default to naming it in the form of message-{id}.Use the list command to list all newly created SIP packets:Use the show command to view packet attributes. You can also use it with ip, udp, or sip options:Use the set command to configure packet attributes. It can also be used in conjunction with ip, udp, or sip commands:Use the set command to configure random packet attributes. You can use it with commands like random-headers-from, random-headers-to, random-headers-call-id, random-headers-max-forwards, random-headers-user-agent, random-headers-contact, random-headers-invite-cseq, and random-headers-register-cseq.Use the send command to send packets:Use the parse command to analyze text information in packets:Use the load command to load packets from a pcap file. If you don’t name the packet, the tool will automatically name it as message-{id}:Next, use the save command to save packets as a pcap file:Use the wireshark command to open packets with Wireshark:Use the hist command to view operation history:Use the shell or ! command to execute Shell code:Use the ? or help command to view the help page:GitHub homepage: [Portal]*isiphttps://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1371858