Mastering tshark Wireshark Command-Line for Linux: Installation and Protocol Capture Techniques

tshark is the command-line version of Wireshark for Linux

Sometimes we want to look at the specific details of protocols. If we’re using tcpdump, we’d need to download the data locally and view it with Wireshark

At this point, we can use tshark

apt install tshark

On CentOS, install Wireshark directly, yum install wireshark

Capture HTTP protocol details on port 80

tshark -s 1024 -i any -f ‘tcp port 80’ -V -Y ‘http.request’ -l

tshark Wireshark

Capture MySQL

tshark -s 512 -i any -f ‘tcp port 3306’ -V -Y “mysql.query” -T fields -e mysql.query

tshark Wireshark

Capture HTTP on CentOS

tshark -s 10240 -i any -f ‘tcp port 80’ -V -R ‘http.request’ -l