Top 25 Essential OpenSSH Commands for Secure Remote Connections

OpenSSH is the free version of the SSH connectivity tools. Telnet, rlogin, and ftp users might not realize that the passwords transmitted over the internet are unencrypted, but SSH is encrypted. OpenSSH encrypts all communications (including passwords), effectively eliminating eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other attacks. Additionally, OpenSSH provides secure tunneling capabilities and several authentication methods, supporting all versions of the SSH protocol.

SSH is a very great tool, and if you need to connect remotely to a server on the internet, SSH is undoubtedly the best candidate. Below are the 25 best SSH commands selected by online voting that you must keep in mind.

(Note: Some lengthy commands in this article are displayed in a truncated state. If you need to read the full command, you can copy the whole line to your notebook for reading.)

1. Copy SSH keys to the target host to enable password-less SSH login

ssh-copy-id user@host

If you don’t have a key yet, use the ssh-keygen command to generate one.

2. Open a tunnel from port 80 of a host to port 2001 of the local host

ssh -N -L2001:localhost:80 somemachine

You can now directly access this site by entering http://localhost:2001 in your browser.

3. Send your microphone output to the remote computer’s speaker

dd if=/dev/dsp | ssh -c arcfour -C username@host dd of=/dev/dsp

This outputs the sound from your microphone port to the speaker port of the SSH target machine, but unfortunately, the sound quality is poor and you will hear a lot of hissing.

4. Compare remote and local files

ssh user@host cat /path/to/remotefile | diff /path/to/localfile –

This command is useful when comparing if there are differences between local files and remote files.

5. Mount directory/filesystem over SSH

sshfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point

Download sshfs from, it allows you to securely mount a directory over the network.

6. Establish an SSH connection through an intermediate host

ssh -t reachable_host ssh unreachable_host

Unreachable_host signifies a host that cannot be accessed directly from the local network but can be accessed from the network reachable_host is on. This command creates a connection to unreachable_host through a “hidden” connection to reachable_host.

7. Copy your SSH public key to the remote host and enable password-less login – the simple way

ssh-copy-id username@hostname

8. Connect directly to host A that can only be accessed through host B

ssh -t hostA ssh hostB

Of course, you must have access to host A.

9. Create a persistent connection to the target host

ssh -MNf @

Create a persistent connection to the target host in the background, combining this command with configurations in your ~/.ssh/config:

Host host

ControlPath ~/.ssh/master-%r@%h:%p

ControlMaster no

All SSH connections to the target host will use a persistent SSH socket. This command is very useful if you regularly synchronize files using SSH (using rsync/sftp/cvs/svn), as it avoids creating a new socket each time an SSH connection is opened.

10. Connect to a screen over SSH

ssh -t remote_host screen –r

Connect directly to a remote screen session (saves unnecessary parent bash processes).

11. Port knocking (knock)

knock 3000 4000 5000 && ssh -p user@host && knock 5000 4000 3000

Knock on a port to open a service’s port (like SSH) and knock again to close the port. You need to install knockd first. Below is a sample configuration file.


logfile = /var/log/knockd.log


sequence = 3000,4000,5000

seq_timeout = 5

command = /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s %IP% -p tcp –dport 22 -j ACCEPT

tcpflags = syn


sequence = 5000,4000,3000

seq_timeout = 5

command = /sbin/iptables -D INPUT -i eth0 -s %IP% -p tcp –dport 22 -j ACCEPT

tcpflags = syn

12. Remove a line from a text file, handy fix

ssh-keygen -R

In this case, it’s best to use professional tools.

13. Run complex remote shell commands via SSH

ssh host -l user $(

A more portable version:

ssh host -l user “`cat cmd.txt`”

14. Copy MySQL databases to a new server via SSH

mysqldump –add-drop-table –extended-insert –force –log-error=error.log -uUSER -pPASS OLD_DB_NAME | ssh -C user@newhost “mysql -uUSER -pPASS NEW_DB_NAME”

Dump a MySQL database through a compressed SSH tunnel and pass it as input to the mysql command. I think this is the fastest and best method to migrate a database to a new server.

15. Remove a line from a text file to fix an “SSH host key change” warning

sed -i 8d ~/.ssh/known_hosts

16. Copy your SSH public key to a server from a host lacking the SSH-COPY-ID command

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@machine “mkdir ~/.ssh; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys”

If you are using Mac OS X or another *nix variant lacking the ssh-copy-id command, this command can copy your public key to the remote host, allowing password-less SSH login just like before.

17. Real-time SSH network throughput test

yes | pv | ssh $host “cat > /dev/null”

Connect to the host via SSH and display the real-time transfer rate, directing all transmitted data to /dev/null. You need to install pv first.

If on Debian:

apt-get install pv

If on Fedora:

yum install pv

(Additional repositories may need to be enabled).

18. Establish a reconnectable remote GNU screen

ssh -t [email protected] /usr/bin/screen –xRR

People like to open many shells in a text terminal, and if the session is suddenly interrupted, or you press “Ctrl-a d”, the shell on the remote host remains unaffected, allowing you to reconnect. Other useful screen commands are “Ctrl-a c” (open a new shell) and “Ctrl-a a” (toggle between shells), visit for more screen command quick references.

19. Resume SCP of large files

rsync –partial –progress –rsh=ssh $file_source $user@$host:$destination_file

It can resume failed rsync commands. This command is very useful when transferring big files like a backup database over V**, requiring rsync to be installed on both ends.

rsync –partial –progress –rsh=ssh $file_source $user@$host:$destination_file local -> remote


rsync –partial –progress –rsh=ssh $user@$host:$remote_file $destination_file remote -> local

20. Analyze traffic with SSH W/ WIRESHARK

ssh [email protected] ‘tshark -f “port !22″ -w -‘ | wireshark -k -i –

Use tshark to capture network communications on a remote host, send raw pcap data over an SSH connection, and display it in wireshark. Pressing Ctrl+C will stop the capture but also close the wireshark window. You can pass a “-c #” parameter to tshark, directing it to capture only the data type specified by “#” or redirect data through a named pipe instead of directly over SSH to wireshark. I recommend filtering packets to save bandwidth. tshark can be replaced by tcpdump:

ssh [email protected] tcpdump -w – ‘port !22′ | wireshark -k -i –

21. Keep an SSH session permanently open

autossh -M50000 -t ‘screen -raAd mysession’

Once an SSH session is opened, keep it permanently open. For laptop users, this prevents losing connections when switching between Wi-Fi hotspots.

22. More stable, faster, stronger SSH client

ssh -4 -C -c blowfish-cbc

Force the use of IPv4, compress the data stream, and use Blowfish encryption.

23. Control bandwidth with cstream

tar -cj /backup | cstream -t 777k | ssh host ‘tar -xj -C /backup’

Compress a folder with bzip, then transfer it to the remote host at a rate of 777k bit/s. Cstream has more functions, visit for details, for example:

echo w00t, i’m 733+ | cstream -b1 -t2

24. Transfer SSH public key to another machine in one step

ssh-keygen; ssh-copy-id user@host; ssh user@host

This command combination allows password-less SSH login. Note that if an SSH key pair already exists in the ~/.ssh directory of the local machine, the ssh-keygen command may overwrite them. ssh-copy-id copies the key to the remote host and appends it to the remote account’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. During SSH connection, if you haven’t used a key passphrase, the remote shell will appear soon after calling ssh user@host.

25. Copy standard input (stdin) to your X11 buffer

ssh user@host cat /path/to/some/file | xclip

Do you SCP files to a work computer just to copy their content into an email? xclip can help by copying standard input to the X11 buffer; you just need to click the middle mouse button to paste the content from the buffer.