Understanding SSH Protocol: A Guide to Remote Secure Login and Packet Analysis with Wireshark

The SSH protocol is a protocol for remote secure login built on top of an insecure network. It is a suite of protocols that includes three sub-protocols, which are:

  • 1. Transport layer protocol [SSH-TRANS]: Provides server authentication, integrity, and confidentiality, and is built on top of the traditional TCP/IP protocol.
  • 2. Authentication protocol [SSH-USERAUTH]: Authenticates the client user to the server, with username-password and public-key based authentication methods, built on top of the transport layer protocol [SSH-TRANS].
  • 3. Connection protocol [SSH-CONNECT]: Multiplexes the encrypted tunnel into several logical channels. It is built on top of the authentication protocol.

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Before continuing, let’s supplement with two concepts:

  • 1. Session key: The key is negotiated between the client and server through algorithms such as D-H.
  • 2. Public key: The public key becomes the server_host_key, used for server authentication in the SSH-TRANS transport protocol. It’s essentially used by the client to verify the server.

The overall process of the SSH protocol handshake is shown as follows:

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The following uses Wireshark for packet capture analysis, start capturing with Wireshark, perform a normal SSH login, stop capturing, filter out relevant packets through IP as follows:

If the above packets are analyzed following the SSH protocol operation process, the correspondence between the process and the packets is as follows:

  • TCP three-way handshake

  • Version protocol exchange

  • Key exchange

During the negotiation stage, the client and server notify each other of the encryption methods they support:

Once encryption methods are determined, public keys are exchanged:

  • Encrypted communication

If logging in with a password, SSH will use this automatically negotiated key for asymmetric encrypted communication. From then on, the packets are encrypted.

Essentially, New Keys acts as a boundary, distinguishing key negotiation from encrypted communication.

What exactly is the principle of internal encryption? This requires further exploration.